The plugins used in this template are described here.
Contact form 7
Contact Form 7 plugin can manage multiple contact forms. It also lets you customize the form and the mail contents flexibly with simple markup.
Displaying a Form
Let’s start with displaying a form on your page. First, open the 'Contact -> Contact Forms' menu in your WordPress administration panel.
You can manage multiple contact forms there.

Just after installing the Contact Form 7 plugin, you’ll see a default form - “Contact form 1″ and a code like this:
[contact-form-7 id="1234" title="Contact form 1"]
Copy this code. Then open ('Pages -> Edit') of the page where you wish to place the contact form. A popular practice is creating a page named 'Contact' for the contact form page. Paste the code you've copied into the contents of the page.
Now your contact form setup is complete. Your site visitors can now find the form and start submitting messages to you.
Next, let’s see how you can customize your form and mail content.
Customizing a Form
Title for this contact form is (1) which is just a label for a contact form and is used for administrative purposes only. You can use any title you like, e.g. “Job Application Form,” “Form for Event 2016/01/01″ and so on.
Shortcode for this contact form is(2). Copy this code and paste it into your post, page or text widget where you want to place this contact form.

Form Tab
Form editing the field (4). You can customize the form content here using HTML and form-tags. Line breaks and blank lines in this field are automatically formatted with <br/> and <p> HTML tags.
Tag generators (3). By using these tag generators, you can generate form-tags without knowledge of them.
For more information about form-tags, see How Tags Work.
Mail Tab
You can edit the mail template for the mail which is sent in response to a form submission. You can use mail-tags in these fields.
An additional mail template is also available. It is called Mail(2) and its content can differ from the primary Mail template.
For more information, see Setting Up Mail.
Messages Tab
You can edit various kinds of messages, including “Validation errors occurred,” “Please fill in the required field,” etc.
Make sure that only plain text is available here. HTML tags and entities are not allowed in the message fields.
Additional Settings Tab
You can add customization code snippets here. For more details, see Additional Settings.
Cherry Sidebars
Cherry Sidebars allows to create and manage your own dynamic sidebars.
Cherry Sidebars is a lightweight plugin for creating multiple widget areas, and outputting them on posts or pages of your choosing. Now you don't have to limit yourself to one widget area, instead you can create as many as you like. Group your widgets into multiple areas, and pick which one you want to display for a certain post or page.
The plugin can be useful for certain posts or pages, where you want your content to be different, for example you need to add a banner ad to your popular post, or a bio section to the 'About' page. Cherry Sidebars would be a perfect tool for this task.

An example of two custom sidebars with the widgets.

The form for creating a sidebar. Simply specify name and description for your new sidebar.

This is the sidebar manager panel that allows you to assign one of the sidebars to the current page.
Cherry Projects
If you need to create various kinds of projects and display information about them on the website this plugin is exactly what you need. The plugin Cherry Projects offers a full set of options and settings that will help you to adjust the project in accordance with the specifications of your business.

- Projects
- Here you will see a full list of projects ever created on the website.
- Add projects
- Press this tab to create a new project. For that you need to perform some actions:
- Title
- Title of the project.
- Content block
- Add information about your project.
- External link
- Specify the external link.
- External link text
- Specify the external link text.
- External link target
- Choose a proper external link target.
- Projects Details
- Specify detail label and detail info.
- Project skills
- Add skills and specify the skill value.
Image Format options

- Additional images
- Add images for an Image post format.
- Image listing layout
- Choose a proper listing layout.
- Column number
- Specify the number of columns for image gallery.
- Image margin
- Specify margin between the images.
Gallery Format Options

- Gallery images
- Add images for the gallery.
- Use navigation?
- Enable/disable navigation.
- Use infinite scrolling?
- Enable/disable infinite scrolling.
- Thumbnails position
- Choose a thumbnail position.
Audio Format Options

- Audio Source
- Choose proper audio files.
Video Format Options

- Video source type
- Choose a proper video source type.
- Video embed url
- Enter video URL.
- HTML5 Video source
- Add video file.
- HTML5 Video source
- Add video poster.
- Categories
- Here you can find and create categories for the posts.
- Tags
- Specify the tags for projects.

In this section you can find all the plugin settings
- Projects listing layout
- Choose projects listing view layout.
- Pagination mode
- Choose projects pagination mode.
- Loading animation
- Choose posts loading animation.
- Hover animation
- Choose posts images hover animation.
- Filters
- Enable/disable listing filters.
- Filter type
- Select if you want to filter posts by tag or by category.
- Projects filter categories list
- Choose filter categories.
- Order filters
- Enable/disable order filters.
- Order filter default value
- Specify the order filter value.
- Order by filter default value
- Choose the order criteria.
- Post Format
- Choose a proper post format.
- Column number
- Select number of columns for masonry and grid projects layouts. (Min 2, max 6).
- Posts per page
- Select how many posts per page do you want to display(-1 means that will show all projects).
- Item margin
- Select projects item margin (outer indent) value.
- Grid template
- Grid content template.
- Standard post template
- Standard post template.
- Image post template
- Image post template.
- Gallery post template
- Gallery post template.
- Audio post template
- Audio post template.
- Video post template
- Video post template.
TM WooCommerce Compare Wishlist
TM WooCommerce Compare Wishlist is designed as an addition to the TM WooCommerce Package and gives your store even more functionality. With its help visitors will be able to add various kinds of products to the wishlist and compare pages. The plugin actually combines two separate widgets and installs them with a single click of a mouse.

TM WoooCommerce Package
This custom designed plugin from TemplateMonster. It brings a set of widgets that will help you make the site work to the full potential.
- About Store widget
- Banners Grid widget
- Custom Menu widget
- Product Categories widget
- Products Carousel widget
- Products Smart Box widget
Power Builder Integrator
Power Builder Integrator is specially designed to help users integrate 3d party plugins into the Content Builder.
Cherry Data Importer
This plugin will help you export posts, comments, widgets, settings etc., from one site to another. With a single click of a button the plugin generates an XML file that can be imported to another website.
After the installation the plugin adds a new block - Demo Content where you can export or import the content.

File Import
To import the content, you need to upload the XML file and press “Start Import”.

Once the import begins you will see a box with progress bars.

After the import is complete you can view the site or customize it.

File Export
To export the data, you only need to press an Export button and an XML file will be created automatically.

Customizing plugin for a specific template
?php /** * Default manifest file * * @var array */ $settings = array( 'xml' => array( 'enabled' => true, 'use_upload' => true, 'path' => false, ), 'import' => array( 'chunk_size' => $this->chunk_size, ), 'remap' => array( 'post_meta' => array(), 'term_meta' => array(), 'options' => array(), ), 'export' => array( 'message' => __( 'or export all content with TemplateMonster Data Export tool', 'cherry-data-importer' ), 'logo' => $this->url( 'assets/img/monster-logo.png' ), 'options' => array(), ), 'success-links' => array( 'home' => array( 'label' => __( 'View your site', 'cherry-data-importer' ), 'type' => 'primary', 'target' => '_self', 'url' => home_url( '/' ), ), 'customize' => array( 'label' => __( 'Customize your theme', 'cherry-data-importer' ), 'type' => 'default', 'target' => '_self', 'url' => admin_url( 'customize.php' ), ), ), );
Array Structure
xml - XML importer settings. Features:
- enabled
- Enable/disable XML importer
- use_upload
- Show/hide the files upload form
- path
- Path to the pre-installed sample-data
- import
- Import settings
- chunk_size
- Number of processed items at 1 importing step. The less this number is, the more steps will be during the importing process, and less time will be spent for 1 step. For this reason, it is strongly recommended to reduce this number for the themes with large sample data to avoid problems with importing files on weak servers.
- remap
- Data post-processing settings. Here you need to add keys with posts IDs that can be changed during the import.
- post_meta
- Post metadata settings.
- term_meta
- Terms metadata settings.
- options
- Options.
export - Export Settings
- message
- Message displayed in the export block.
- logo
- URL of the logo displayed in the export block.
- options
- Options array for the additional export.
success-links - associative array of links displayed on successful installation page. Link ID is used as a key. The plugin contains IDs for the homepage and for customizer:
- label
- Link text.
- type
- Type of displayed button (default, primary, success, danger, warning).
- target
- _balnk, _self
- url
- Link URL.
Cherry Services List
Cherry Services is a flexible WordPress plugin that lets you display your company’s services in a variety of ways: as single pages, galleries, and even as embedded content blocks on the homepage of your website with the help of custom shortcodes. The plugin adds a custom post type named “Services”, which you can use to display what your company offers – in a professional way.

Installing Cherry Services List
So, let's take a closer look at how to install this plugin
Upload the Cherry Services List plugin to your blog
Activate it
Enter your Cherry Services List API key
Cherry Team Members
The plugin Cherry Team Members is specially designed to make it easier for the businesses to display info about their team and personnel. It contains a full set of options and tools that will help adjust the profile in accordance with the skills and the position of the members.

Installing Cherry Team Members
So, let's take a closer look at how to install this plugin
Upload the Cherry Team Members plugin to your blog
Activate it
Enter your Cherry Team Members API key
Cherry Testimonials
Unveil customers' feedback on your services to look more reliable to prospects. This easy-to-use plugin Cherry Testimonials will let you add testimonials to any post and page of your site via shortcodes. With Cherry Testimonials, you can prove your testimonials aren't fake and were written by real people. Besides the testimonial itself, it's possible to reveal a lot of details about its author. They include his name, photo, email, company he works in, his position, and link to the site of that company or his personal blog. Note that you can hide the email, position, company's name, and photo, if a customer doesn't want you to reveal any of that data.

Installing Cherry Testimonials
So, let's take a closer look at how to install this plugin
Upload the Cherry Testimonials plugin to your blog
Activate it
Enter your Cherry Testimonials API key
Jetimpex Dashboard
Jetimpex Dashboard is a service plugin. It will help you to update and backup template version easily.
After plugin installation it adds two new blocks: Dashdoard and Updates.

In this section you can find varying information about:

- System Information
- Here you can see your site URL, home URL, and multisite information
- Theme
- Here you can see your current theme ID, name, version, and whether you are using a child theme
- Server
- Here you can see server memory, post max size, upload max filesize, max input time and max execution time
- Active Plugins
- Here you can see your active plugin name
- Installed Themes
- Here you can see the name of your installed theme

- Helpful links
- Here you can find some helpful links which can guide you

- Recommended plugins
- In this block you\'ll see a list of recommended plugins for your current theme, and you can install the missing ones easily
If you want to get your theme updates you have to registrate your template. Please, enter the order ID and Template ID and click on SUBMIT button. When new updates will be available you will get a notification in your admin panel. Be aware that you need to fill in both fields in order to get fresh updates.

This function allows you to create backups of your theme at will. To make a backup you just need to press the button 'Backup Theme' and a backup will be made instantly.
There is also a variety of settings for backups. Here they are:
- Backup before update
- An option enables backup before update, in this case a backup is made automatically right before the theme update changes will take place
- Scheduled Backup
- Here you can enable a sheduled backup
- Backup
- In this field you can set the specific frequency when the backup is to be made
- Time of backup
- Here you can set particular time for backup
- Number of backup copies
- Here you can set how many backup copies are to be made, the setting will define only the number of automatically made backups, you still can make as many backups manually as you need to

When all the changes are made you can save your settings by pressing the button "Save Options". That's it!
Backup List
To view the list of existing backups and make changes in it you need to view Updates tab on your Administration Panel. At the bottom of the page you\'ll see the list where you can view backup copies of your theme, made both automatically and manually.
- The note A on the line with backup means that this backup was made automatically.
- Backup Date shows the date and time when the backup was made.
- Version shows the version of your theme backup.
You can also restore, download and delete your backups.